ascetic antiracism v. elite tears

Resistance as Sacrifice: Towards an Ascetic Antiracism


Academic works are rarely composed alone, even when only a single author is listed. Many contributed to this project, not all of whom can be acknowledged here. But I would be remiss if I did not thank the Political Theory Project at Brown University for workshopping this paper with me at a PPE Research Seminar in its early stages. In particular, Dan D’Amico, Glenn Loury and John Tomasi provided important feedback. My colleagues at Columbia University were also extremely helpful in refining this work, especially Tiffany Huang, Greer Mellon, Estela Diaz, Francisco Lara, Diane Vaughn and Andreas Wimmer.  I would like to offer special thanks to Shamus Khan, both for feedback provided at various stages of this project, and also for his groundbreaking work turning the sociological lens towards elites — which served as a springboard for this essay. I am grateful to the anonymous reviewers at Sociological Forum, whose constructive criticism greatly improved this essay. Finally, I would like to celebrate editor Karen Cerulo for putting together this volume, for assembling a very helpful mini-conference at the Eastern Sociological Society meeting on these papers, and for her feedback and flexibility throughout this process.


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