we have never been woke one month

We Have Never Been Woke: One Month to Launch!!!

It’s a little hard to believe, because it’s been nearly three and a half years since it was announced, but We Have Never Been Woke will be available for everyone to read in less than one month!

I’ve got my hands on a physical copy, and it’s truly a thing of beauty. Hats off to the excellent PUP team (click to zoom).

If you haven’t already, preorder a copy today so you can read/ listen on the day of release (October 8!).

Right or wrong, preorders and Week One sales matter a ton for how a book is received, the coverage it gets, and the impact it ultimately has. So, if you think you may want to read the book, please consider reserving your copy right now. Every sale helps!

More about the book is available here.

Tour Information

I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be touring to talk about the book and its themes around the U.S. For the month of October, I’m almost fully booked up.

My November is starting to fill up as well. Below is some of the areas I’m currently scheduled to be – happy to add additional talks or do local media while I’m in the area.

  • Stony Brook residents: On the day of the book launch, I’ll be doing a talk at the lecture hall of the Wang Center at 7pm (free and open to the public). And I’ll be doing a reading/ signing at the local Barnes & Noble that Saturday (October 12) beginning at 2pm.
  • Southern California: I’ll be in the area from October 13-16, currently scheduled to speak at UCLA, Occidental and USC.
  • Nashville: I’ll be in the area from October 16-19 participating in Global Free Speech Summit (being added to the program soon).
  • Chicago: I’ll be in the Windy City from October 20-24, with events scheduled so far at Northwestern, Northeaster Illinois University and University of Chicago.
  • Manhattan: I have events scheduled on October 10, November 5 (or 7), and November 18. Happy to add additional events any time, it’s no trouble to get up to the City.

Strikingly, no dates locked down yet in D.C., Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Colorado, Washington, Oregon or my home state of Arizona (all of which host important symbolic economy hubs). Let’s change that!

If you would like to have me out to speak at your campus or organization, reach out to my booking agent Akhil Jonnalagadda (Akhil_Jonnalagadda@press.princeton.edu) ASAP.

Folks outside the U.S. who are interested in hosting me should also get in touch with Akhil to make arrangements for the second tour, which will be tied to the international book launch in January 2025.

Media Circuit

I’ve been doing lots of media interviews and podcasts over the past few weeks, which should be coming out contemporaneous with the book launch. My goal is to speak to as many folks as possible, but my dance card is also filling up rapidly.

If you’re a

  • Journalist interested in writing about me or the book or doing an interview,
  • An editor interested in writing and excerpt or soliciting an original essay,
  • An academic interested in reviewing the book for a major disciplinary journal

Please reach out  to the book’s publicist, Megan Posco (megan@poscopublicity.com) as soon as possible. Ideally, we’d do as many interviews as possible before the tour gets underway because I won’t have the same access to a studio while I’m travelling.

In Case You Missed It

Most coverage, essays and interviews will go live around the time the book launch happens. But some media hits, interviews, essays and talks are already available to whet folks’ appetites between now and October 8. Peruse to your heart’s content!

Substack Essays

External Essays

Advance Praise



Public Talks

And if you haven’t already, please do consider preordering the book ASAP!
