Racially Profiling “Jihadists” Sounds Like Common Sense. Here’s Why It Doesn’t Work

However, the U.S. intelligentsia is as much to blame for this outcome as Trump (perhaps more so), given that so many who could provide him sound advice have instead attempted to distance themselves from the candidate or even worked toward his demise—as though Clinton and her advisors are not equally committed to doubling down on failed national-security policies.

This is highly irresponsible on the part of the beltway Republicans, and they may come to regret it. Because despite their antipathy—indeed, perhaps precisely due to “establishment” resistance—Donald Trump has a solid chance of emerging victorious in November, and all of these more “reasonable” experts who didn’t want to sully their hands or reputations will find themselves on the margins, watching helplessly as America once again has to learn the hard way that tactics like profiling and torture provide overwhelmingly bad intelligence while exacerbating terrorism (In the case of torture, this is a lesson we have ostensibly “learned” several times before to no avail).

Profiling is ineffective. Torture is ineffective. But sanctimonious armchair criticism is also ineffective. If the Republican establishment really wants to prevent a train wreck, they need to get onboard the Trump Train and help steer.

Published 9/21/2016 by The American Conservative
